Tons of new Infant decor can also be found in the kids' section of Build Mode. Hop into Create a Sim with your Infants and discover dozens of new options for hairstyles, clothing, accessories, and body customization options. For a full breakdown on everything from Infant care to traits, check out our Infants page! Once your Newborn has aged into an Infant, a whole world of interactions and care options open up between your Sims and their babies.
Toddlers and Children will also be able to interact with Newborns by selecting the Entertain Interaction. For example, caregivers will carry Newborn Sims more often, rather than putting them back into a bassinet every time a reaction ends. Additionally improvements have also been made to Newborn appearance and animations. Newborn Sims will finally have a wider range of skin tones to better match their genetic makeup, and they'll also keep their eye color for life. Having a Science Baby will cost 1,200 Simoleons.
Through Social Interaction or the in-game Phone, you can choose for your Sims to have a Science Baby! There are even two options along the Science Baby route: On the topic of Newborn Sims, doing the woohoo is no longer the only way for a Sim to become pregnant.