If you have any questions or comments feel free to leave a line at the Comments section. Click on the bookmarklet any time you want to see the lyrics for a song.Drag and drop the bookmarklet to your browser toolbar:.Select one of the following available ListeningNow servers:.Click on Settings at the right of the Recently Listened Tracks header.Make sure Recently listened tracks in Last.fm is set to Public.You need to have a Spotify account and a Last.fm account. Setting up ListeningNowĪlthough no software needs to be installed, you need to follow this steps in order to make ListeningNow work with Spotify.
How ListeningNow worksĬlick on the bookmarklet in your browser and a popup window with the lyrics to the song you are currently listening (or just listened) in Spotify will appear. There’s no installation required and works on any platform (Windows, Mac OSX, Linux and even your smartphone). It is not exactly a plugin but a web-based bookmarklet. I haven’t found any good Spotify lyrics plugin for Mac OSX yet so I decided to code my own approach.